Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Are You Ready to Make the Leap? (Part 1)

I’ve been asked before by intrepid writers who, like I was, aren’t sure when to take the leap into freelance writing: How do you know? How do you know for sure when the time is right to go full-time?

My answer probably isn’t what they want to hear, but hopefully they give me points for honesty: You don’t. Unless you suddenly get laid off from a job or a dream writing project falls in your lap one day out of the blue, you can’t possibly know for certain now is the time to leap.

I thought about going it alone for months, agonized about it even, before I decided it was time to say goodbye to my job and take the plunge. When I did, I wasn’t hit with a big revelation. I wasn’t positive I could even make it work. But the stars aligned just enough that I decided it was time to try.

Looking for signs that it’s time? This week, I’m going to share (one at a time, so this post doesn’t stretch on for eons!) signs that I took heed to—and that you might want to consider as well.

First up: You’re restless.

I was lucky enough to have a job that I enjoyed, to work with people I appreciated. But I got restless and realized I needed a change—I wasn’t engaged in my work like I had been before, I had other interests outside of work that were suddenly more appealing. Despite the fact that I was working on some great projects and enjoyed my coworkers, I wasn’t as inspired as I had been in the past.

Stop and think: What would make you happy right now? What would keep you engaged in your work? Do you simply want a different position with your company? Is there conflict with a coworker or supervisor that's fueling your boredom? Or is it more than that—are you dying to get out on your own and be your own boss? Get to the root of the restlessness before you make any snap decisions.

Everyone gets an itch to do something new once in a while. But if all you can think about scratching that itch, and the only antidote appears to be a freelance writing career, perhaps it’s time to start thinking about moving on.

Learn More
Well, I Quit My Day Job
To Plunge or Not to Plunge: Becoming a Fulltime Freelancer
Free Download: Are You Ready to Quit Your Job and Work from Home?
Before You Quit Your Day Job: 12 Practical Ways to Build an Emergency Fund
The Transition from Part-Time to Full-Time Freelancer

Photo: ClickFlashPhotos

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