Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Are You Ready to Make the Leap? (Part 6)

Finally! It’s time for the last sign in the “Are you ready to make the leap?” series, designed to help you figure out if you’re really ready to move from freelancing on the side to pursuing a freelance career full-time. But first, let’s revisit the first five signs:

You’re restless.

You’re looking for flexibility.

You have the right personality.

4. You have steady work.

5. You have a financial cushion.

And now for number six.

6. Your gut is telling you to go.
Trust your instincts. When you think about freelancing, about quitting your job and making a go of being your own boss, how do you feel?

Do you feel an adrenaline rush? Do you get excited thinking about the possibilities? Do you itch to get started immediately?

Or does your stomach twist into knots because the idea is so nerve-wracking? Do you break out into a cold sweat and stress about a slew of what-ifs? Some nerves are OK—they’re good, in fact. They’ll keep you grounded and ensure you’re thinking realistically about what you’re about to do. Because let's be honest: it is scary.

But if the thought of quitting now leaves you on the verge of a nervous breakdown, perhaps it’s time to take a step back. Think things through more. Wait a while.

It should come as no surprise when I tell you that this isn’t exactly the most cush time to make the leap into freelancing full-time. People are getting laid off. Budgets that normally would include funding for freelance projects are getting slashed. Magazines and companies that used to be great sources of freelance work are folding all over the place. So if you’re not ready—really ready—it’s OK to wait. You don’t want to jump into freelancing a nervous wreck. You want to be cool, confident, ready to take on the world.

And if all you can think about is the fact that freelancing feels right, that you’re ready? Then assess your financial situation, your work situation, whatever else you need to think about.

Still have that feeling?

Ready, set, jump.


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